- 正规博彩十大网站校园安全:843-383-8140
(提供24/7非紧急护送服务) - Hartsville Police Department: 843-383-3011; 紧急情况: 911
- Hartsville 火 Department: 843-383-3000; 紧急情况: 911
- Darlington County EMS: 843-398-4441; 紧急情况: 911
- Palmetto Poison Control: 1-800-222-1222; 紧急情况: 911
添加 删除 一般信息
An emergency is any situation – actual or imminent – that endangers the safety and lives of 正规博彩十大网站 students/employees/visitors, 以及科克校园和财产的安全.
This guide is designed as a quick reference to help you respond immediately and effectively to a wide range of emergency situations. More detailed information is available in the college’s Emergency Operations Plan.
- During emergency conditions avoid making telephone calls (including cell phone calls) except for calls of an emergency nature.
- 如果你撤离你的大楼, 通知书院校园安全(8140), 包括你的位置通知.
- If you have a disability that would require special accommodation in an emergency, 请通知你的经理, 教练, RA, 人力资源或校园安全提前. 所有资料将予以保密.
- Program 正规博彩十大网站 校园安全’s telephone number into your cell phone: 843-383-8140
- Time is critical in responding to any emergency – and safety of people always comes first, 在财产保护之前.
添加 删除 楼宇疏散程序
If you hear an evacuation alarm or are verbally told to evacuate the building:
- 保持冷静
- 很快就离开
- 听从并遵守所有指示
- 当你离开时, 迅速检查附近的洗手间, 复印机的房间, 存储房间, 以及其他可能没有听到疏散信号的居民的区域.
- 通知校园安全或紧急救援人员需要帮助.
- 只带必要的个人物品. 不要试图拿大的或重的物体.
- 你走的时候关上所有的门.
- 不要使用电梯.
- 一旦外出,不要堵塞出口或紧急车辆通道. Move at least 500 feet away from the building or to a specific location as directed by 校园安全 or other emergency personnel.
- 作为一个团队待在一起.
- Do not attempt to re-enter the building or area until advised by officials that it is safe to do so.
添加 删除 火
- 拉火警报警器,拉离问题最近的站.
- 拨打911(从校园电话: 9-911)
- 拨打校园安全电话:843-3838140
- 保持冷静
- 很快就离开
- 离开房间/区域时关门.
- 立即从最近的出口或按指示离开大楼.
- 不要使用电梯.
- 通知校园安全或紧急救援人员需要帮助.
- 一旦外出,不要堵塞出口或紧急车辆通道. Move at least 500 feet away from the building or to a specific location as directed by 校园安全 or other emergency personnel.
- 作为一个团队待在一起.
- Do not attempt to re-enter the building or area until advised by officials that it is safe to do so.
Note: Do not attempt to extinguish a fire unless you have 1) reported it and 2) can do so safely without putting yourself or those around you in greater danger.
要使用灭火器,请使用 通过 系统:
- P拔出别针
- A我在火的底部或离你最近的一边灭火器
- S捏一下手柄
- S穿过火堆哭泣的动作
添加 删除 龙卷风/天气紧急情况
- 待在室内,警惕坠落的物体.
- If you are in a building with a designated tornado shelter, proceed immediately to that area.
- In other buildings seek the lowest level or central hallway of the building, away from windows.
- 不要使用电梯.
- Stay away from windows, mirrors, glass and unsecured objects such as filing cabinets or bookcases.
- 通知校园安全或紧急救援人员需要帮助.
- 待在安全区域,直到龙卷风警报结束. 警报将被发送,指示离开避难所是安全的.
添加 删除 医疗紧急情况
- 呼叫 911 (来自校园电话: 9-911)
- 拨打校园安全电话:843-3838140
- Provide as much information as possible about the ill or injured patient and the location of the emergency to the above responders.
- Have someone remain with the ill or injured person while calls for assistance are being made and until emergency personnel arrive
- Unless trained, do not attempt to render any first aid before trained assistance arrives.
- Do not move the person who is ill or has been injured unless they are in imminent danger
- 限制你与生病或受伤的人的交流,以平静地安慰他们
- Keep the area clear and have someone watch for emergency responders to help direct them to the patient
添加 删除 化学品泄漏/危险物质
Refer to the Materials Safety Data Sheet (MSDS), kept in a notebook in each lab
- Any spill resulting in personal exposure should be treated immediately according to the medication information in the MSDS:
- Eye: Assist the person to the sink/eyewash station and flush eyes thoroughly with water for a minimum of 15 minutes.
- 吸入:协助将患者转移到新鲜空气中.
- 皮肤:脱掉浸湿的衣服,用清水彻底冲洗.
- 拨打校园安全电话:843-3838140
- In case of minor or moderate exposure refer or transport the victim to Health 服务.
- 如果严重暴露呼叫 911 (来自校园电话: 9-911).
- If a hazardous level of a volatile substance has been released pull fire alarm to evacuate building
- Any spill resulting in personal exposure should be treated immediately according to the medication information in the MSDS:
添加 删除 暴力武器事件
如果你意识到有枪手或人质的情况, 或通过CobrAlert通知, 立即采取以下措施:
如果你能安全逃离该地区,请立即撤离. 如果没有,请保护附近区域.
- 锁好门并设置路障
- 关灯
- 关闭窗帘
- 块窗户
- 关掉收音机和电脑显示器
- 保持住户安静
- 保持所有人员在视线之外,并有足够的掩护/保护(e).g.、桌子下面/后面、文件柜)
- 静音手机
- 呼叫 911 (来自校园电话: 9-911)
- 拨打校园安全电话:843-3838140
- 请注意,911系统可能会不堪重负
添加 删除 核事故
The following is a summary of the procedures that are recommended if you are on campus during an emergency.
- FM
- 105.5 WDAR
- 103.3 WJMX
- 本地有线电视
- 佛罗伦萨wbtw电视台13频道
- 佛罗伦萨wpde电视台21频道
State and county officials will decide whether we are to evacuate or seek shelter and will instruct College officials as to whether Potassium Iodide pills should be distributed to faculty, 教职员及学生.
- 你可能会被要求去林维尔餐厅. 否则,请进入室内并关闭所有门窗.
- 关掉需要室外空气的风扇、暖气和空调. 关闭任何其他进气口.
- 除非绝对必要,否则不要使用电话.
- Stay indoors until a local radio or television EAS reports it is safe to go outside.
- 如果你必须出去,在你的鼻子和嘴巴上放一块布.
- Prepare to go to the assigned primary shelter for our area which is the Florence Convention Center or to anyplace more than 10 miles from the Robinson Plant.
- 进步能源安全手册(如果有的话)
- 两套衣服, 两张毯子或一个睡袋, 化妆品, 浴巾, 识别, 车辆登记, 信用卡, 支票簿, 现金, 便携式收音机, 手电筒, 电池.
- 关上车窗 & 通风口. 不要开空调或暖气.
- Follow published evacuation routes or instructions from law enforcement officers.
- 开车的时候,请收听当地广播电台,了解更多信息.
- You will be registered, can locate relatives, and can be checked for radiation if necessary.
- 你会被分配到一个安全的地方.
- 如果你不去避难所的话, it may be difficult to locate friends and relatives or to let them know where you are.
安全返家时,EAS会通知您. 学院的通讯将通过CobrAlert和其他场所发送.
碘化钾药片: 向正规博彩十大网站提供了碘化钾(KI)药片. KI pills are designed to be absorbed by the thyroid gland and would help prevent the absorption of nuclear radiation. 应该指示学院分发KI药片吗, they will be distributed on the 1st floor of the Student Center to any faculty, 想要的教职员工或学生. 每个人都必须签署一份表格,表明他们已经收到了KI药丸. 对碘化物过敏的人不应该服用碘化钾.
添加 删除 失踪学生协议
In the event that a student is discovered to be missing for a period exceeding 24 hours a report should be made to one of the following College officials:
- 校园安全总监
- 教务长
- 教务长/负责学术和学生事务的副校长
- 住宿生活主任
在收到失踪学生报告后, College officials will notify the Hartsville Police Department and 正规博彩十大网站 校园安全. If the student has designated an emergency contact person, the College will notify that individual. 正规博彩十大网站 students can confidentially designate an emergency contact person by completing an Emergency Contact Registration form. 由法律规定, the parent/guardian of students who are under 18 and not legally emancipated will be notified in the event that the student has been reported as missing for 24 hours.